Dr. Hammond to Speak to Parents – Upcoming Event -Tuesday, November 17

Preparing our children for their future is everyone’s shared responsibility. Friendships, experiences in school, activities they participate in, and relationships all help to shape each child. On behalf of the Holy Trinity Catholic School Council, let’s join together on November 17th with the help of Dr. Hammond to discover a renewed vision for our children and explore how each one of us plays a vital role in shaping the future of our school community.
For more than 25 years Dr. Hammond has been passionate about the lives of parents and children. A leading expert on resilience and strength-based practice, he has worked tirelessly to help everyone understand the importance of relationships. Dr. Hammond truly believes every child is remarkable – they just might not know it yet. It is our role as adults to help them come to realize their true potential.
WHEN: Tuesday November 17th at 6:00 – 7:00 pm
WHERE: Holy Trinity Catholic School Gym