Holy Trinity Families Unite through Exercise

It was all in the name of building new friendships for the future students of Holy Trinity Catholic School in an active and healthy way!
Families of children who currently attend St. Andrew, St. Bernadette and St. Raphael Catholic Elementary Schools came together in the gymnasium at St. Charles College on April 16th, 2015 to participate in a fun-filled evening of Zumba and Yoga. Many parents and teachers enthusiastically took to the gymnasium floor and the gym mats to participate in the exercises!
The night was made possible through the funding of a Ministry of Education Parents Reaching Out grant focused on increasing parental engagement in education.
As gracious hosts, the St. Bernadette School families collected items to create gift baskets with themes like “cooking with family”, “a family indoor movie night” and “outdoor family activities”. Sudbury & District Health Unit Public Health Nurses, Stacey Gilbeau and KC Rautiainen, also joined in the amusements and helped out by drawing the winners of the three baskets at the end of the evening.