Seeds of Potential at Holy Trinity Catholic School

To celebrate World Autism Day, the students at Holy Trinity were engaged in a fun and creative art project while inviting them to think about the importance of inclusion and understanding of students with ASD within their school and community. Students were asked what kinds of actions or specific behaviours go into creating a supportive school, for not just students with ASD, but for everyone. They were asked to think about ways they could be supportive of everyone’s unique differences and what this might look like. The intention of this activity was to show students that every seed or idea will be uniquely one of kind and that all ideas about how to make school a better place are equally beautiful in their own way. In other words, all seeds have the potential to grow and flourish and when placed together all seeds have the potential to create a beautifully diverse and colourful mural – and ultimately a beautifully diverse school.
A “Toonies for Autism” fundraiser was also launched to support Autism Research. Ms. Reynolds would like to thank the staff and students for supporting this initiative! “Together we can promote awareness about ASD, and increase understanding, critical first steps to creating more supportive environments for people living with ASD in our classrooms.”