Students in Mrs. Meyer’s grade 3 class presented All About Me presentations during Anti-Bulling week. The purpose of the presentations are for students to get to know each other better, to see what they have in common with each other. Students enjoyed listening to the presentations and finding ways that they are connected with each other.
Sudbury Catholic Students Cast their Vote!
14 schools within the Sudbury Catholic District School Board have registered with the Student Vote Canada program running parallel with the Federal Election. Based on the percentage of schools registered, the Board is in the top 10% of all School Boards within Canada. Student Vote Canada is a program open to all elementary and secondary schools nationwide. Schools may offer Student Vote to a single class or to the entirety of the student body. Students engage in activities surrounding government and the electoral process and are provided necessary tools to stage a mock election in their school during the Federal Election process.
Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased with the enthusiasm that the schools have shown toward promoting student voice.
“Student voice is a top priority within our Board,” she explained. “Student Vote Canada is an excellent opportunity for our students to not only understand the electoral process, but to also practice research and analytical skills and participate in a formal election scenario. We are proud to partner with Student Vote Canada and offer these tools for our students.”
“St Charles College has been involved in Student Vote for many years. We have participated at the federal level as well as the provincial and municipal levels,” explained Rick Emond, teacher at S. Charles College. “The program has had a positive impact on students both academically and in their personal lives. I often receive many messages from former students telling me that because of the program they have voted.”
Honouring Reconciliation: Sudbury Catholic Schools Participate in Orange Shirt Day
Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations of children to come. Orange Shirt Day recognizes the harm the residential school system did to children’s sense of self-esteem and well-being, and is an affirmation of our commitment to ensure that everyone around us matters.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board participated in Orange Shirt Day on September 30, 2019. Staff and students throughout the system participated by wearing these shirts or their favourite orange shirt as a reminder of the importance of this day.
Holy Trinity Hosts Chinese Students for Short-Term Visit
14 students aged 9-11 traveled from Hangzhou, Changyang Primary School in China to spend a week with students from Holy Trinity School. The students are also joined by four teachers and support staff member.
The students will stay with students from Holy Trinity School and their families throughout the week. The students will engage in a variety of activities geared toward education about the Canadian culture and Greater Sudbury. Examples of these activities include Master Chef Canada – Redbirds edition, celebrating National Chinese Day, day trip to Leisure Farms and nature hikes.
This will be the first short-term experience for Holy Trinity School.
Sudbury Catholic Schools Embrace Summer Learning!
Students at Sudbury Catholic Schools completed another year of summer learning this month! 60 students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 completed the three-week Summer Learning Program at St. David School from July 8 – July 26, 2019.
Students participated in a literacy and numeracy program, which supported students in improving their skills at their own pace. The program also featured various activities centered around Indigenous culture. The program was led by both classroom teachers and camp counsellors, providing a full educational team to participating students. Through the online tool and app Lexia, teachers and counsellors were able to provide a visual experience for both the literacy and numeracy components, and students are able to continue to access their account from home throughout the summer.
As in past years, each morning began with a physical activity which helped to energize students and build confidence so that they were ready to learn. This year, the group participated in Zumba sessions provided by Zumba Vibe.
The Board is thrilled with student participation in this year’s Summer Learning Program.
“The work and effort that goes into making the summer learning program a success each year is truly inspiring,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “With the right tools, support and amazing staff, participating students were able to improve their skills and enjoy the experience along the way!”
The Summer Learning Program is a Ministry funded program which aims to promote literacy and numeracy learning for students during the summer months in fun and engaging ways.

Get ready for Kindergarten!
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board, in partnership with Maple Tree Preschool and Discovery Early Learning & Care will be offering a School Readiness Program designed to prepare preschoolers for the transition into school for September 2019.
When: August 12-August 16, 2019
Where: Holy Trinity School
To register, please contact: Tamara Taillefer at
Discovery Early Learning & Care
705.586.0895 OR
Holy Cross School
To register, please contact: Lenore Moore at Maple Tree Preschool

Sudbury Catholic Staff Celebrate Board Wide Wellness Day!
Wellness is the quality or state of being healthy in mind, body and spirit – especially as the result of deliberate effort. It is seen as an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.
Sudbury Catholic Schools staff put their wellness first by participating in a Board Wide Wellness Day! Staff were encouraged to complete a wellness activity throughout their work day that would help enhance their mind, body and spirit. From walking to yoga, indulging in a healthy lunch or trying meditation, the possibilities seemed endless!
Great job by all participants!
Sudbury Catholic Schools reach milestone fundraising goal for the Terry Fox Foundation
We are so proud to announce that Sudbury Catholic Schools has reached a fundraising milestone of $50,000 toward the Terry Fox Foundation. Each year, schools complete a Terry Fox School Run and fundraise for the cause. Participating schools over the years have included: Holy Trinity School, St. David School, St. Francis School, St. James School, St. John School and St. Paul School.
Congratulations to all staff and students who have contributed to the foundation over the years, we can’t wait to see what is accomplished in the future!
Carousel Event for parents, educators and community partners!
Our annual Carousel event hosted by the Catholic Parent Involvement Committee is fast approaching! We are very excited to welcome all parents, staff and community partners to this event for an evening of networking, learning and community building!
When: March 5, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: St. David School, 549 Frood Road
Carousel topics will include: Dealing with Anxiety, Indigenous Education Programming, Coding, Mathematics, The Leader in Me, Supporting Students with Autism, Human Trafficking, Vaping Building Resilience, speech and language services and special Education Services, including the IEP.
Free childcare and supper will be provided. Please go to the following link to register:
2019 Carousel Topics
Proposed 2019-2020 School Year Calendar
We want to hear from you! You are invited to review the proposed school year calendar options for the 2019-2020 school year and indicate your preferences for the PA days. You can access the survey up until January 21, 2019 at the following link.
We look forward to hearing from you!