Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School

We’re proud to announce the launch of the 2020 Summer Camp Online Program!

Summer Camp Graphic

Are you excited for summer? We are! We are happy to announce the SCDSB 2020 Summer Camp expanded online program. Please click the link and fill in a survey for each of your children you would like to take part in the opportunity. You will need to commit to be part of the program for 3 weeks: two hours a day. July 6-24th, 9am to 11am.

Our expanded online learning includes K-8 online classes, K-8 ELL classes (for our newcomers) and Indigenous Learning.

Sign up quickly to secure your spot as spaces are limited: SIGN UP HERE!

Sign up by June 12th as we will start notifying people they are part of our awesome summer program! (be sure to leave your email so we can connect with you!)

Get ready for Kindergarten!

A boy stands with his blocks

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board, in partnership with Maple Tree Preschool and Discovery Early Learning & Care will be offering a School Readiness Program designed to prepare preschoolers for the transition into school for September 2019.

When: August 12-August 16, 2019

Where: Holy Trinity School
To register, please contact: Tamara Taillefer at
Discovery Early Learning & Care
705.586.0895 OR holytrinity@discoverycare.ca

Holy Cross School
To register, please contact: Lenore Moore at Maple Tree Preschool

Their Story Begins Here – Kindergarten Registration info night taking place January 24!

Register with our schools during our Board wide information night occurring Wednesday, January 24 at 6 p.m!

These Information sessions are available for parents wanting to register their child(ren) for school beginning September 2018 (For children turning 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2018). If you are unable to attend these sessions at your school, we encourage you to contact the school to register on an alternative date. Both regular (English) and French Immersion programming is available.

Find out more about our Kindergarten program

Holy Trinity Hosts Welcome to Kindergarten Event

Holy Trinity Catholic School isn’t set to open its doors and welcome students until September 2015; however, this didn’t stop the newest members of the Holy Trinity school community from gathering for the Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation session. Parents are a child’s first and best teacher and learning about how to play and discover with your child in order to support them as they begin school is a special opportunity. The Welcome to Kinderdarten Orientation event allows parents/caregivers to attend workshops at their neighbourhood school where they receive early learning resources from The Learning Partnership and learn the strategies and rationale for using the resources with their child. Pre-school children, registered to begin their educational journey in the fall, and their families participated in an evening of literacy / numeracy early learning activities organized by the school staff and community partners, including the Sudbury & District Health Unit; Best Start Hubs New Sudbury; the Greater Sudbury Public Library; Teddy Bear Daycare; Optometrist, J. Levesque; and,  Speech Language Pathologist, N. Keating. Aila Lepage, whose son will be starting Full Day Kindergarten in French Immersion at Holy Trinity in in the fall said that “It was very informative for us. We are looking forward to the start of Brody’s school career…he is in great hands!”

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