Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School

Adopt-a-School… Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity has been adopted by both Coles and Chapters in Sudbury so during the next 3 weeks shoppers will be invited to donate funds to Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School to help them buy books for their library.
They are also asking everyone and anyone to “adopt” or vote for our school online at www.adoptaschool.indigo.ca. This option is FREE. A person can sign-up and vote for Holy Trinity once per day for the duration of the campaign.
The school in Ontario that receives the most votes will earn itself $10 000!
Your assistance in spreading this information is very appreciated.
You can check out what they have posted on the adoptaschool site.

Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School and the New St. David Catholic Elementary School

Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School construction is on time and the school will be opening as scheduled, on September 8, 2015. The opening of the new St. David Catholic Elementary School has been delayed and it is anticipated that the school will be ready for occupancy late November/early December. Students enroled at St. David should report to the building located at 350 Jean St. on September 8, 2015. For more information, please contact the board at (705) 673-5620.

Holy Trinity Hosts Welcome to Kindergarten Event

Holy Trinity Catholic School isn’t set to open its doors and welcome students until September 2015; however, this didn’t stop the newest members of the Holy Trinity school community from gathering for the Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation session. Parents are a child’s first and best teacher and learning about how to play and discover with your child in order to support them as they begin school is a special opportunity. The Welcome to Kinderdarten Orientation event allows parents/caregivers to attend workshops at their neighbourhood school where they receive early learning resources from The Learning Partnership and learn the strategies and rationale for using the resources with their child. Pre-school children, registered to begin their educational journey in the fall, and their families participated in an evening of literacy / numeracy early learning activities organized by the school staff and community partners, including the Sudbury & District Health Unit; Best Start Hubs New Sudbury; the Greater Sudbury Public Library; Teddy Bear Daycare; Optometrist, J. Levesque; and,  Speech Language Pathologist, N. Keating. Aila Lepage, whose son will be starting Full Day Kindergarten in French Immersion at Holy Trinity in in the fall said that “It was very informative for us. We are looking forward to the start of Brody’s school career…he is in great hands!”

Holy Trinity Families Unite through Exercise

It was all in the name of building new friendships for the future students of Holy Trinity Catholic School in an active and healthy way!
Families of children who currently attend St. Andrew, St. Bernadette and St. Raphael Catholic Elementary Schools came together in the gymnasium at St. Charles College on April 16th, 2015 to participate in a fun-filled evening of Zumba and Yoga. Many parents and teachers enthusiastically took to the gymnasium floor and the gym mats to participate in the exercises!
The night was made possible through the funding of a Ministry of Education Parents Reaching Out grant focused on increasing parental engagement in education.
As gracious hosts, the St. Bernadette School families collected items to create gift baskets with themes like “cooking with family”, “a family indoor movie night” and “outdoor family activities”. Sudbury & District Health Unit Public Health Nurses, Stacey Gilbeau and KC Rautiainen, also joined in the amusements and helped out by drawing the winners of the three baskets at the end of the evening.

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