Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School

Watch Holy Trinity’s 2022 Virtual Open House Video!

Calling all children born in 2018! Registration for kindergarten is now open for the 2022-2023 school year.

Please enjoy this virtual tour of our amazing school. We can’t wait to meet our new Redbirds! To register or find out more, click the link below!


Sudbury Catholic Schools Celebrates Pink Shirt Day!

February 23rd, 2022 was Pink Shirt Day, and we were pleased and excited to see our entire community eagerly participating!

Throughout the day, students, faculty, and staff at Sudbury Catholic Schools dressed in fabulous pink shirts, effectively showing their support and solidarity against the issue of bullying and the impact it has on our everyday lives. Below we provide a small a sample of some of the amazing pink shirts worn throughout the day!

Photo Gallery

Pius XII

St. Francis

St. Joseph

Holy Cross

St. John

Holy Trinity

St. David

What is Pink Shirt Day?

Bullying is a major issue and affects everyone from schools to the workplace, to even home life. But no one has enough power to stop it by themselves. On Pink Shirt Day, Sudbury Catholic Schools from Kindergarten all the way to Grade 12 work together to put a stop to bullying by coming together and wearing pink shirts.

Every year, on the last Wednesday of February, schools around the world observe Pink Shirt Day – an anti-bullying campaign that began in 2007 when a boy in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing his favourite pink shirt to school. When he returned home from being teased, in a show of solidarity, two older students purposely wore pink shirts the following day. This act not only demonstrated the power and choice each of us has to help others, it was a conscious decision that allowed them to make a stand against bullying and in the process ignited an important campaign that continues to grow support every year.

How to think pink?

Pink is a colour that symbolizes everything bullying stands against. It’s bright, cheery, and warm. However, on this day it has become more than a colour – it has become a stronger and brighter message. A message that say’s that we refuse to let this issue continue! And while simply wearing a pink shirt might seem insignificant, such an action has the power to spark up conversations and bring awareness for people to take control of their lives and recognize what’s happening around them. Whether you have a pink shirt or not is asides from the point. The message of the day is the most important to remember. By working to be friendly, responsible, compassionate individuals, we ensure we all continue to think pink and grow into strong leaders in learning and faith.

The Meaning of Home Contest Countdown

Only a short amount of time is left for Grades 4-6 students to submit their poems, essays, and stories about the meaning of home. We strongly urge applicable applicants to please take the time to get involved in this meaningful opportunity for writing!


All participants at SCDSB will receive FREE ICE CREAM if we reach our goal to submit 1000 entries by Friday, Feb 18th! 

With every entry $10 is donated from Chapman’s Ice Cream to the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Sudbury to help build safe and affordable homes for families in Sudbury. If we get 1000 entries, we can donate $10,000!

Write & Make A Difference! The Meaning of Home Contest

Sudbury Catholic School Students in grades 4,5 & 6 can make a difference by getting involved in the Meaning of Home Contest sponsored by Chapman’s Ice Cream! 

About Contest

Deadline to Enter: February 18th, 2022

The Meaning of Home Contest is a unique and meaningful way to get children involved in creative writing and giving back to their community. By participating in this contest, Sudbury Catholic students will use their creative abilities and submit either an essay, story or poem on the topic of what HOME means to them.

Each contest entry will result in a $10 donation from Chapman’s to Habitat for Humanity to help build safe and affordable homes for families in the Sudbury community. In addition, this contest will also challenge students to think creatively about an important topic (i.e. the meaning of home) that directly impacts their lives and ultimately improves their writing skills!

Contest entries will be accepted from now until February 18th, 2022, so students and educators are encouraged to get started! 

Teachers have access to a Teacher Resource designed to help incorporate the contest straight into lesson plans. These can serve as standalone lessons or be used to augment existing lesson plans in areas such as language, creative writing, and community service!

Help us track! 

Sudbury Catholic Schools would like to track the total number of entries submitted by Sudbury Catholic students to see how a single action makes a collective difference, so please let us know if your class is participating by clicking the button below. Once the contest has ended, we’ll share the total donated amount so that students and families can celebrate with SCDSB!

Our Goal

Our hope is that the contest will be an activity that students will help them reflect on how they can live our Catholic Graduate Expectations. Together, their simple actions will provide funds to support our local community, as they contribute to building a just society.  With over 1300 students enrolled at Sudbury Catholic Schools in grade 4, 5, and 6 our collective contributions could result in as much as $13,000 being donated to our local Habitat for Humanity organization. 

In addition, the winner for each grade will be awarded a $30,000 grant for their local Habitat organization, with three runners-up per grade directing $10,000 to their local Habitat chapter. The contest has raised $1.7 million to date and, in 2021, it helped 46 local Habitats build more homes. Let’s work together to make a local difference! 

If you would like more information about this initiative or have any questions, please reach out to christina.raso@sudburycatholicschools.ca or joan.yawneymatz@sudburycatholicschools.ca  

Join Us! SCDSB Hosts Virtual Career Fair for Teacher Candidates

Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce we’re hosting an online virtual career fair on Feb. 17th, 2022 to help interested teacher candidates learn more about Sudbury Catholic Schools and gain insight into areas such as:

  • The Application Process
  • Resumes
  • Interview Preparation
  • How to Apply on Simplfication.com

Join Sudbury Catholic Schools at our February Virtual Career Fair for Teacher Candidates!

Event Details

Date: Feb. 17th, 2022

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: Zoom

More Info

Virtual Career Fair – Info Sheet

SCDSB Students Participate in Virtual Quiz Show!

Over 650 students from grades 4-6 participated in a special Brain Buster Quiz Show organized by Let’s Talk Science solely for Sudbury Catholic students.

Students tested their knowledge about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in a fun and engaging activity. 

During the 45 minute session, multi choice questions in a variety of categories such as careers, inventions, public, multidisciplinary, sprint and general were selected. Students learned new vocabulary such as crepuscular, felidae, canidae,  mustelidae and so much more all while having fun!

Students were also given the opportunity to ask questions to special guests Gaëlle and Nick about their experiences studying in STEM. Both university graduates, Gaëlle studied engineering while Nick studied physics.  Both educators have a passion for teaching and sharing their knowledge about STEM to students across the country.

We would like to thank the team at Let’s Talk Science for organizing this event for our students. 

Please check out other upcoming Let’s Talk Science’s Virtual Events:

Let’s Talk Science STEM Club (Grades 4-6)

Join us with your class for fun and interactive STEM activities starting on January 27th! Each week features a different hands-on activity using minimal, easy-to-find materials.  Students will also have the chance to learn from and ask questions to inspiring STEM role models. STEM Club is ideal for busy educators and caregivers, no matter what their learning environment looks like! Register for STEM Club here.

Let’s Talk Science Challenge (Grades 6-8)

The Let’s Talk Science Challenge is a competition that takes place each year for students in Grade 6-8 across Canada. It includes a question and answer competition and an engineering challenge. 

Preparation for the competition is important. Students will work in teams or individually to learn STEM concepts provided in a handbook prior to the competition. There will also be practice quizzes and design and build challenges available weekly throughout the Play & Learn weekly activities portion.

Register for the Let’s Talk Science Challenge Here

Join Us For Our Webinar – Coping With Stress!

STRESS! We all experience it. 

That’s why Sudbury Catholic Schools is pleased to invite you to register for our upcoming wellness webinar in January. At this webinar, two outstanding guest presenters will tackle this topic and provide coping strategies for dealing with stress. 


More Information: 

Alina Rukkila MSW, RSW and Jessie Jones CYW will lead us through an engaging session on dealing with the different types of stress and provide helpful strategies and tips we can incorporate to help us manage it when it happens. 

We all know that not all types of stress are bad. Good types of stress can help you focus, ensure you meet your daily challenges, and encourage you to reach specific goals you have for yourself. However, it’s essential to understand the difference between good and harmful types of stress. Over time, a continued strain on the body put on from stress can get the best of you. It’s paramount to identify the causes of daily stress and manage the intensity of these feelings. By knowing healthy coping strategies, we can enjoy life and learn happily.  

Remembrance Day 2021

This year for Remembrance Day, the Sudbury Catholic District School Board (SCDSB) paid respects to the extraordinary men and women whose services and sacrifices will never be forgotten through preparing a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony on Nov. 11th. The service, which used various forms of prayer, readings, music, and video, acknowledged the day’s importance and was a powerful social connection that included various schools participating in its production.

Following today’s events, the SCDSB has provided a clip of our opening video that was viewed at our virtual ceremony.

The following presentation highlights historic clippings and images of war veterans as well as beautiful artwork and visual displays that our school’s students and staff brought forward this year.

In addition to the video, please see the gallery of photos below. The gallery demonstrates wonderful examples of various activities and lessons school’s had participated in leading up to and on this important day of reflection.

Special thanks is given to the staff and students whose provided contributions enabled us to put together an amazing virtual service for our entire board. Thank you everyone!

Remembrance Day 2021 Video

Remembrance Day 2021 Gallery

St. James

Marymount Academy

Holy Trinity

Holy Cross

St. Benedict’s

Bishop Carter Alexander

St. Albert Adult Learning Centre

St. Charles College

St. John

St. Joseph

Immaculate Conception

St. Paul

Welcome to Kindergarten Events!

On June 3, 2021 Holy Trinity hosted our annual Welcome To Kindergarten event. This live event provided an opportunity to build a school community connection and relationship with new Kindergarten students and their families. Activities were presented for parents and children to engage in that will promote oral language development, literacy and numeracy enjoyment and skills. In addition, this event helped to connect families with community agencies and provide information that may support their needs. If you missed out on this event, please view the recordings of some of the activities that can be found below. Families may reach out to the school office by email at holytrinity@sudburycatholicschools.ca with any questions they may have. We look forward to seeing all of our new Kindergarten Redbirds in September 2021!

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