Holy Trinity Catholic Elementary School


What do these three young men have in common?

They just submitted their video to smash a world record!

Skills Ontario is excited to announce a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ attempt event. We would like to invite everyone to participate in making history by helping them to break the record for Largest Online Video Chain of People Passing and Using a Screwdriver!

The call went out yesterday to Sudbury Catholic staff and students to help Skills Ontario. Both staff and students have been eagerly participating.  Kent MacNeill, remote learning teacher assigned the challenge to all his grade 7 & 8 science students!

Anyone of any age, across the province can join the fun!  Skills Ontario’s minimum goal is to receive 251 individual video submissions.

In order, to secure the record please make sure all guidelines are followed,  refer to the   Educational Guide & Attempt Guidelines and video. For additional information, refer to: Guinness World Record Attempt 2021

All participants must sign a photo/video release form when uploading their video. Participants 18 years and younger must have a parent/guardian sign the form.

All participants will be added into a draw for a chance to win 1 of 20 $50 prizes!

Deadline to submit is June 2nd 2021!

Class Completes Escape Room to Celebrate Journée de la Francophonie

The Grade 4/5 French Immersion class celebrated the “journée de la francophonie” by participating in an Escape Room filled with activities highlighting the French culture in Ontario and students also competed in an online game of Kahoot testing their knowledge of our Franco-Ontarian flag and its history.

Sudbury Catholic Schools Embrace Summer Learning!

Two students work on their addition by playing a card game.

Students at Sudbury Catholic Schools completed another year of summer learning this month! 60 students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 completed the three-week Summer Learning Program at St. David School from July 8 – July 26, 2019.

Students participated in a literacy and numeracy program, which supported students in improving their skills at their own pace. The program also featured various activities centered around Indigenous culture. The program was led by both classroom teachers and camp counsellors, providing a full educational team to participating students. Through the online tool and app Lexia, teachers and counsellors were able to provide a visual experience for both the literacy and numeracy components, and students are able to continue to access their account from home throughout the summer.

As in past years, each morning began with a physical activity which helped to energize students and build confidence so that they were ready to learn. This year, the group participated in Zumba sessions provided by Zumba Vibe.

The Board is thrilled with student participation in this year’s Summer Learning Program.

“The work and effort that goes into making the summer learning program a success each year is truly inspiring,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “With the right tools, support and amazing staff, participating students were able to improve their skills and enjoy the experience along the way!”

The Summer Learning Program is a Ministry funded program which aims to promote literacy and numeracy learning for students during the summer months in fun and engaging ways.

A student completes a reading level on Lexia on his iPad
A student is all smiles as she completes a shape building activity with elastics.
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